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works closely with individuals to ensure that they are the right fit for our services. Everone wishing to recieve services from Residential Options needs to meet the following criteria:

  1. Have a documented disability of one or a combination of the following: mental illness, mental retardation, or developmental disability.  People with only a mental illness diagnosis are not eligible for homes licensed ICF/DD.
  2. Be at least 18 years of age.
  3. Be ambulatory and able to move about without assistance from other persons, and must be able to take action for self preservation under emergency conditions. (The IDPH may grant permission for
    the facility to admit a semi-ambulatory resident on an individual basis if the resident's total needs can be met satisfactorily and the request is made in writing).
  4. Non-dangerous to themselves or others.
  5. Must be capable of self medication (with training and monitoring as needed).
  6. Demonstrate the ability and willingness to be engaged in Day Programming.
  7. Must not require prenatal or maternity care.
  8. Be free of any communicable disease.
  9. Must not be in need of long term skilled nursing services.
  10. Be willing to participate in treatment programming.
  11. Give informed consent to participate in our program (as documented in their records) and in the treatment planning process (CILA only).

No person shall be denied admission to the facility nor access to services, based on race, color, sex, creed, or national origin.