DSP Spotlight – Crystal Wilborn presented with Paul & Louis Baker Award

Sandy Currans, daughter of Paul & Louise Baker presents Residential Options DSP, Crystal Wilborn with the Baker Award for Excellence in Service

Direct Support Professionals provide services that directly affect those in their care. They have a huge impact on the quality of life for individuals living with disabilities. Each year at Residential Options we celebrate these essential workers during DSP Recognition Week by presenting one such professional, who has displayed this excellence and put it into action with, the Baker Award.

Our 2022 recipient is Crystal Wilborn. She has been with Residential Options for almost 19 years and is currently AM DSP at Lewis and Clark. Crystal does her job very well and is a shining example of a dedicated DSP. She always goes the extra mile when it comes to making sure the residents needs are met, both assisting the individuals in being as independent as possible and in helping them learn new skills to advance their independence. She takes residents grocery shopping with her and have them assist with the process so they can learn those life skills. 

She has a good relationship with the guardians and helps to foster the relationship between the individuals and the families. She often facilitates activities for small groups and encourages the individuals to invite friends from neighboring homes to participate, ultimately creating a community that residents want to be a part of. Crystal communicates well with medical professionals and encourages the individuals to speak up and advocate for themselves when they are at appointments.

Diane Tebbe, VP of Residential Options pictured with Sandy Currans.

Crystal has been a constant at Lewis and Clark. She is always willing to share her knowledge with new staff. She is proactive in training them and answering any questions they have, and always willing to pitch in and help with covering shifts when needed. She also thinks of creative ways to help with scheduling issues ensuring that clients are always well cared for. 

Crystal finds unique opportunities for the individuals to participate in activities and engage with the community. If it involves her coming in on her time off to ensure they are able to participate, that is what she does. Crystal will plan special outings for the individuals, even if they are the only person that likes a particular event. Specifically, she plans a day every year for one of the individuals to go to Six Flags, since he is the only person in the home that likes amusement park rides. She has purchased holiday themed gifts for the individuals and even come in on her time off to make sure they receive them. 

Crystal has been a valuable asset to both the individuals residing at Lewis and Clark and the staff that work there. Her knowledge, willingness to help, and the respect she has for the those in her care are just a few of the reasons she not only deserves this award but why she is an asset and an example to the entire Challenge Family.

Thank you Crystal for everything you do!

#DSPRW2022 #WeAreCU 

View the entire presentation below.

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